Together for Change: Preventing Violence Against Women
Respect 2040
Resources / Published:

We can prevent violence against women when we work together.
The following information has been prepared by Respect Victoria, our state’s dedicated organisation for the prevention of family violence and violence against women.
These are the actions individuals, communities, organisations and institutions can take right now to prevent this violence from occurring in the first place:
Challenge condoning of violence against women. This can look like:
- Not laughing at sexist jokes
- Supporting and believing victims when they speak up
- Media focusing on the accountability of the perpetrator, rather than the behaviour of the victim.
By shifting the attitudes and practices that trivialise, excuse or justify violence, we create a culture where women are safer.
Promote women’s independence and decision-making. This can look like:
- Men and women sharing decisions about household finances.
- Workplace policies that encourage women from all backgrounds into leadership
- Universal access to affordable childcare.
When we uphold women’s rights and freedoms, we show that they are valued.
Challenge outdated and harmful gender stereotypes and roles. This can look like:
- Men and women sharing housework and household responsibilities equally
- Workplaces that enable all parents, including fathers, to take equal parental leave and be primary carers.
- Encouraging men to study caring professions like nursing or childcare.
Giving people the freedom to be themselves builds a culture where everyone thrives.
Support men and boys to develop healthy masculinities and positive, supportive relationships. This can look like:
- Teaching boys that it’s ok to express their emotions safely, including sadness.
- Consent education in all schools
- Making male-dominated spaces inclusive for everyone.
When men and boys are free from harmful masculine stereotypes, they are more likely to enjoy healthy, respectful relationships.