Respect 2040 partners work together to address the harmful gendered attitudes, norms, practices and structures across all levels of society that produce, justify or promote violence against women. Respect 2040 builds workforce capacity to undertake actions to end violence against women and girls, families and communities, before it starts.
Respect 2040 partners include community groups, not for profit organisations, local governments and health organisations. Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West is the lead agency for the Respect 2040 Partnership.
We welcome all private and public health sector members as we grow our partnership.
Respect 2040 is a regional partnership committed to the elimination of violence against women. Respect 2040 partners are united by the vision of a thriving Barwon South West community in which every person is respected, safe, and equal – able to be reach their full potential. It is both a strategy and a movement. The strategy outlines our shared commitment to ending violence against women in the Barwon South West region. It was designed in partnership with key organisations, local governments, business, institutions, and community members across the region who are determined to see this goal realised.
Respect 2040 builds on work undertaken over the last decade, in both the Great South Coast and the Barwon regions. Starting when 100 people from 52 organisations in the Great South Coast came together in 2012 to address the gendered problem of family violence; and the G21 Geelong Region Alliance’s commitment to the prevention of violence against women as a shared partnership.
In August 2023, Respect 2040 partners in the Great South Coast region and Barwon (G21) region decided to merge and create Respect 2040 Barwon South West. In 2024, a new partnership structure was agreed as part of this transition, inaugurating a new phase for the partnership.
Respect 2040 brings together leadership and dedication from across the Barwon South West to build a thriving cross-sector partnership which is 100% committed to short and long-term strategic actions to end violence against women, girls, and gender diverse people.
Violence against women is a problem of epidemic proportions in Australia, including in the Barwon South West region of Victoria. Rates of family violence in regional, rural and remote locations are higher than in urban areas. Geographical factors, social norms and attitudes specific to life in these communities influence the experience of violence.
In the Barwon South West region, from 2021 – 2023 there was:
Violence against women in Australia
Violence against women is rooted in the context of gender inequality. The causes of violence against women are both maintained by and made possible by gender inequality.
A sizable part of Barwon South west is regional. Regional residents typically face distinct difficulties to their metropolitan counterparts. Such as restricted access to healthcare, education, and transportation, which contribute to inequalities in economic development, health, and educational possibilities.
Women face more obstacles than males in regional areas due to more commonly held traditional gender stereotypes and the resulting gender disparity. These include worse outcomes in climate emergencies, enhanced obstacles to economic engagement, and increased difficulties in obtaining family violence support services and sexual and reproductive health services.
In the Barwon South West:
Visit the Women’s Health Atlas for more data.
Respect 2040 will bring community members, businesses, groups and organisations together to create systems and structures that embed equality and respect where we live, work, learn, love and play.
A thriving community in which every person is safe, valued and can reach their full potential.
Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West
R2040 lead agency, WHWBSW coordinate the partnership, provide specialist support to partners, and fosters cross-sector collaboration.
Executive Governance Group
R2040 strategic arm, made up of senior management from R2040 partners. Responsible for leadership, advocacy and governance of the partnership and its regional strategy.
Respect 2040 Partners
R2040 operational arm, made up of staff from R2040 partners. Responsible for planning and implementing initiatives in their organisation and collaboratively across the Barwon South West, that align with the R2040 strategy.
Respect 2040 Supporters
Organisations and community members committed to the R2040 strategy, who engage in the partnership where possible and needed.